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Automating a/c pt4: Time of Use a/c rules, inferring costs over time

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So the basics of automating the a/c are now well established – time to take it up a notch.

Next I want the rules for when a/c comes on and goes off to auto alter based on the current Time of Use (ToU) rate. And it should be based on a modification of current normal on/off values.

Our current provider AGL’s ToU for our place is peak 14:00-20:00, off peak 22:00-06:00 and shoulder for the other times, any day of the week. There’s not a huge difference between shoulder and off peak pricing, but peak pricing is significantly more. So it behooves me to make sure the a/c REALLY needs to be on during the peak billing period – that is, to have tougher activation criteria.

Following obviously on from that is tallying ToU costs and presenting inferred cost of operation. Hmm, challenge accepted.
(continued from Pt3)