I’m nothing if not a tinkerer, and our home is no exception. While many items are only solved in one instance as a Proof of Concept, it all adds up.
Lights, climate, and power in our home both work automatically without interaction (motion lights, outside lux lights, climate air conditioning, regulated chargers), and can all also be locally or remotely controlled by voice or phone app.
Automation components in our home include (but probably are not limited to): LIFX lights, Tapo and Wemo power points, Broadlink IR/RF (TV, blinds), Switchbot A/C, Kogan vertical blinds, Google Home Minis for voice (commands, queries, alarms, home/remote intercom), WirelessTag sensors (lux, temperature, RH, motion).
This is all tied together by various systems (e.g. branded phone apps, a node-red/MQTT, Google Home Minis).
IFTTT and OpenHAB used to provide various automations, however I retired the OpenHAB server on moving and I retired IFTTT on their price model changing.
Other devices include NAS, server, VMs, and network security.
Main host: Kogan Atlas, Win 10 Pro, Hyper V
Main VM: Ubuntu 18.04.n LTS
I/O: ethernet, WiFi/AP, Bluetooth, IR, 433Mhz RF, Zigbee.
I/O routing from Windows host h/w to Linux VM: USB redirector.