I used to have a ZTE 7″ phone, and (tech) life was good. Since its passing, it’s kind of sucked.
The way things are evolving now, I’m prone to drawing a line in my mind for what capabilities a new thing must possess to entice me to buy.
My next car has to be something like a Holden Commodore Volt. And my next phone has to make phone calls…
No biggie, right? Except that since my old resistive screen ZTE 7″ phone, I’ve yet to see another phone that I can type at with more than 2 thumbs or Swype (please, nothing from the “he holdin a tablet to his head, hyuk hyuk” peanut gallery).
So I’m hoping, nae praying to the tech gods, that this may come true in Project Ara.
2015 Apr 1st Update: It bears mentioning that since writing this I found a good Samsung Note (1) 10.1″ second hand, which actually delivers everything I want. I don’t believe newer Samsung 10″ tabs are still fully functional phones, although I believe the newish Sony X2 10″ is.