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Foods and things to avoid

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Very much specific to me, however this post will serve as a start point for things I’ve learned to avoid, for my MS.

  • Overheating
  • Woolworths Thai Green Curry (may be the heat, or the spice, but immediate spastic hands trying to type. Will test with their Indian curries)
  • Situations with enough stress that I lose all body focus to focus on the stress event – whether it’s a work support situation, overly talkative kids/mum, etc
  • Being too still for too long, or in a bad posture
  • Overly cold environments (e.g. grocery supermarkets) – basically my optimal temperature range is now 23-25C 😛
  • Large serves of food (expect a food coma for 2 hours to follow, and to be wonky for a while after waking)